Organized by the Bauhinia Cultures Holdings, the current cultural event "Under the Mid-Autumn Moonlight" was designed as a global cultural emblem through Hong Kong, an impo...
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Frost's Descent, (Chinese: 霜降), the 18th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct 23 and ends on Nov 7. Frost's Descent is the last solar term of autumn, during w...
“Berlin leuchtet” takes place every autumn, this year from 28 September to 14 October. Most of the light installations can be found around the city centre, with a particular focus on the most famous buildings and sights, such as the Brandenburg G...
更多内容请点击:Under the Mid-Autumn Moonlight: 15 consuls in Hongkong... 推荐文章